Thursday, December 10, 2020


Certificate in Practical Internet Marketing

全球互聯網使用人數及電子商務交易每年激增, 網上行銷已成爲一個不可缺少的行銷渠道, 可讓企業以低成本接觸到世界各地的買家, 在龐大網上市場分一杯羹. 由於網上行銷競爭劇烈, 中小企業老闆及營銷人員必須具備網上行銷專業知識, 及掌握各種網上工具, 才可決勝千里, 透過互聯網發展全球市場及提升銷售業績。


  • 有志建立網絡銷售渠道的創業者或中小企老闆
  • 渴望網上創業行銷但無從入手之人士
  • 負責拓展海外市場的專業市務人員 及
  • 希望提升網上行銷技能及網上業績的人士


本課程依據亞洲首席互聯網行銷公司 網上千萬銷售經驗設計, 内容實用及著重實踐, 亞洲已有超過二萬學員透過 課程, 提升網上行銷技能及在網上開業。與其他行銷課程不同, 本課程注重網上低成本或免費網上行銷策略及技巧,例如免費在Google, Yahoo, 百度排名首頁,及增加網站訪問量的竅門, 更提供獨有網上工具及一切有關行銷與技術支援。




  • 以互聯網搜尋貨源及客源 
  • 以低成本增加網站訪客   
  •  編寫強説服力的網站文案以增加銷售率
  •  獲取免費搜尋引擎頂尖排名, 讓潛在客戶找到你的產品  
  •  解決網上收款問題及減低網上交易風險 
  •  在1個月内開始在網上銷售

課程結構: 網上營銷培訓 + 網上創業指導 + 網上支援工具

1.網上營銷培訓 (在電腦室上課,每人使用一部電腦上網學習)    

課程内容包括8個單元,合共32課時(面授), 及兩部分考試, 每部分2小時, 合共4小時, 學員於2個月內完成 (總共36小時)

1. 互聯網行銷概述產品調查及創造
– 銷售產品, 服務, 資訊
– 如何找尋產品
– 如何以網上聯盟計劃賺錢
– 創造熱賣電子書籍的秘密

2. 編寫網站内容文案及換算策略
– 網頁内容寫作秘訣
– 用銷售心理學增加銷售額
– 如何以測試增加反應

3. 創造經營及互聯網商業計劃以籌集資金
– 商業計劃的組成部分
– 商業計劃的模板
– 如何應付投資者

4. 以網頁建造工具設立網站
– 用e1Net網頁建造工具建立網站
– 如何上載圖像
– 如何設立網上電郵庫

5. 搜索引擎行銷策略及應用
– 流行搜尋引擎及目錄種類
– 如何免費登錄
– 如何獲得搜尋引擎及目錄頂尖排名

6. 電子郵件行銷及聯盟行銷策略
– 建立電郵名單工具及技巧
– 如何製造高反應電郵行銷
– 用病毒式行銷激增銷售的法門

7. 公關行銷策略
– 獲取免費媒體報道的竅門
– 如何寫有效的新聞發佈使媒體刊登
– 如何以博客營銷

8. Google廣告計劃策略及網站自動化工具
– 開設Google Adsense戶口以增加收入
– 可靠的網站自動化工具
– 網上收款的選擇

2. 獨有網上開業指導 


– 每週指導電郵
– 全面性網上指導及支援



– 網上問答支援系統
– 網上學員專區

課程包括面授及網上學習, 學員可享用網上專用區域,及網上問功課系統, 每星期需在網上交功課。課程以中文(廣東話或普通話)為主, 輔以中文及英文教材。



  1. 年滿18嵗及中五畢業以上或                                              
  2. 年滿21嵗及擁有一年工作經驗,及
  3. 懂得使用電腦打字,收發電郵,及上網搜尋



  1. 作業及考試合格
  2. 出席率達80%以上


出席率達80%以上及取得合格成績可獲資助$20,000 ,報名費並不包括在持續進修基金資助金額內 



星期六 上午9時至下午6時, 星期日 上午9時至晚上8時


需約見課程顧問,親臨 辦事處報名                                                                                 

地址:觀塘 觀塘道414號1亞太中心22樓

電話 : (852) 2972 0944

流動電話 / WhatsApp : (852) 6309 3618



The course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes*

院校編號: 720   

課程編號: 21C05894-7    

Tuesday, December 08, 2020


疫情下,網絡商機發展逆流而上。不過網絡上包含甚麼商機?KOL?網店? 政府有不同資助給予個人與企業申請,你又知唔知?如何個人申請政府資助高達2萬元學網上營商,包括學尋找熱賣貨源 (不用入貨)及自己動手開及管理網店 (不用懂IT)等等等等~


(1) Harrace Lau, eOneNet聯合創辦人,資助網絡營銷教練,具20年電商培訓經驗,課程被列入持續進修基金課程名單,將揭露💰網上多種商機及網上營商成功10招。

(2) Fione Tan, 28Mall 聯合創辦人,被譽為網絡營銷皇后,多個企業家大獎得主,將分享💰東南亞電商機遇及路徑。


📅日期:12月14日(一) / 17日(四)
⏰時間:下午7:30 - 9:00

只需 Click Subscribe 訂閱 :

【首10名付款】 獲贈韓國KF94彩色口罩x5片(價值50元)加送28Mall.com電子紅包28美元
1. Payme 63093618
2. HSBC 809 499981 001

立即 WhatsApp 查詢

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

CEF HK Digital Marketing Course to start Online Business

Interested to sell online but don’t know what to sell and find hot-selling products to sell globally? With 20 years experience in selling online B2C and B2B, eOneNet Hong Kong Continuing Education Fund subsidizes up to HK$20,000 per entrepreneur to learn this digital marketing skill. This is not a technical course to learn how to be a SEO consultant or to sell web design services, but a one stop starting from scratch entrepreneur training to help you find good products to sell online (without investing into expensive stocks) and get profit margins up to 60% from the comfort of your home.

Conducted over 4 days (2 weekends of hands-on workshop), you will learn what to sell, where to source, how to write your website contents copywriting, and creating a high conversion website business, including writing your own e-books (no worry, you can even become an author to sell on Amazon or other digital books sites like Clickbank, even without writing it yourself).

On the subsequent Day 3 and 4, you will learn the different tactics to promote online (mostly FREE online marketing strategies that are effective) to drive traffic to your webstore and increase your website visitors to get higher sales. This includes SEO (search engine optimization for free rankings in Google, Yahoo, MSN and china search engines like Baidu SEO tips). Many SEO workshops focused on google advertising / pay per click via SEM (search engine marketing) but most of our eOneNet students are using our free Top 10 Google rankings tips, some of which have first page Rankings for free for over 10 years without spending a single cent on advertising (which business owner doesn’t like to save advertising fees).

You will also learn latest social media marketing for business strategies from creating your company FB business page to youtube video marketing plus latest popular online marketing methods such as Tik Tok and DouYin short video or live streaming selling tips. We will also recommend you various free tools for your run your online business, create viral videos and come up with NEW multiple sources of income.

Remember we are not teaching you how to be a SEO consultant, Online Business expert or Digital marketing business, but to give you the skills you need to create a profitable online business with your own .com and increase your international income, so even if you migrate, you can make money online!

Here are some common questions for our HK CEF Online Business Workshop
1. How much do I need to spend to start an Online Business ?
The 4 days course with 60 days online coaching is HK$29,980 and you will enjoy up to HK$20,000 subsidy when you complete the course (pass our exams and complete the 2 months online assignments / homework)

2. I do not have any products and no ideas of what to sell, can I Join?
Yes, over 70% of our students are newbies to business or changing their career. They know the importance of digital marketing skills for an entrepreneur / business owner so they are willing to upgrade their skills and knowledge to find a new source of income for themselves. We will show you how to find popular keywords with over 100,000 searches every month globally (means there is a high demand), find reputable supplier / products source which you will immediately insert into your website during the COURSE itself, so not wait and think at home as eOneNet CEF course is hands-on and practical.
30% of the students are current business owners with own products, services and many with their own websites but come to learn how to drive traffic, change their current business model, export internationally and improve online sales and profits.

3. I am non-technical and do not know how to design a website, can I join?
Running a successful online business, does not mean you need to know how to PROGRAM a website or know IT programming. Look at Internet billionaires such as Jack Ma of Alibaba or Richard Liu Qiangdong of JD, are they technical people? As a matter of fact, we have many students who themselves are MBA and PHD holders still coming to our course as they want to get hands-on coaching with practical knowledge to launch their online business and not textbook theories.
Minimum requirements is basic email sending, typing skills and positive learning attitude. If English language is a barrier, then you can start a Chinese website to target selling to China and Hong Kong.

4. I am selling service eg I am an insurance agent, property agent, lawyer or medical doctor, what can I sell online?
Yes, even for service providers and consultants, you need to market yourself on the Internet to get leads, accept online bookings, and to get international leads. We have many financial planners, professional service consultants and service providers attend our course and are getting increased leads online, ending in increase income and higher profits.

5. How to sign up?
Contact us at +852-63093618 to get a free consultation at eOneNet Hong Kong Causeway Bay Sino Plaza office today. If you are in Malaysia, you can also contact us at +6012-232 8878 and we have Internet Success Coaching bootcamp that offers similar training in Malaysia.

CEF 持續進修基金網上創業課程 Video 1

1. 如何低成本開展網上生意
2. 賣什麼產品/如何尋找優質貨源
3. 如何低成本有效推廣

28Mall 助力品牌衝出香港 網銷東南亞


#28Mall #網上營銷 #網上營商

不用審批 網上營商政府資助2萬

香港事件加上疫情讓一些企業大裁員,或減工資,自救的唯一有效方式就是低成本網上創業,eOneNet 自2000年起已在馬來西亞,新加坡,香港幫助超過10萬人網上創業,香港網上創業營銷課程更獲得政府資助高達2萬元,現在疫情下網上生意一直獨秀,大部分人也習慣網上購物,銷售增長幾倍,你還要等待,還是立即報名學習? 報名查詢 立即點擊我要政府資助...

#持續進修基金 #網上創業 #網上創業課程 #政府資助2

Friday, May 29, 2020

申請遙距營商D Biz 計劃被拒,有後備方案嗎?

Share & Like 送你講座名額,教你如何申請政府資助2萬學網上創業及eMarketing. 立即點擊報名

遙距營商申請5大陷阱及如何避免 DBiz

遙距營商申請5大陷阱及如何避免 DBiz fund hk companies guide how to avoid common mistakes 📣如何申請政府創業營商資助 x 10元買FDA CE口罩1盒(50片) 🎯公司資助 - 這星期熱門的遙距營商資助30萬,你符合申請資格嗎?現在還有機會嗎? 🎯個人資助 - 如遙距營商資助不符合資格,還可以申請資助2萬學習勢不可擋的網上營商及digital Marketing 學一次,賺一世 日期:29.5.2020(五) 2.30 - 4.30pm 或 30.5.2020(六) 2.30 - 4.30pm 銅鑼灣信和廣場26樓 費用: 100元 👍首10名支付在現場以10元購買三層FDA/CE口罩1盒(50片) 支付:PayMe/ 轉數快: 63093618 銀行轉賬:HSBC eOneNet Ltd 809-499981-001 🎯要快人一步!搶先報名,立即點擊報名


遙距營商計劃HKPC D-Biz 最新消息 - 5月16日

要知道申請遙距營商資助詳情,如何符合申請資格,及需要提交什麼文件?立即觀看視頻,快人一步,5月18日開始申請。我要搶先申請... Online form

遙距營商計劃 如何選擇資助項目類別

政府派30萬給香港公司,只需成功申請遙距營商計劃資助,但如何選擇服務供應商?坊間傳說已有預先批核的供應商名單是否真確?立即看 eOneNet 劉Sir 的 Video, 為你揭開疑團! 完後如有意向申請,立即報名參加我為大家安排的線下諮詢會,符合資格的可以快人一步,現場申請!網上報名:


遙距營商D-Biz延期申請 - 5月1日重磅消息!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

遙距營商計劃 D Biz 給你30萬元如何申請


透過最新發布的“遙距營商D-Biz 計劃,10天批核高達30萬100%資助給你做eMarketing, online shop, online meeting, 培訓等,助你在疫境中也可開拓網上生意及網上推廣渠道。㊙️eOneNet憑20年的網上營銷及培訓經驗,能助你把資助用於有效推廣及保證能增加生意的方案,❗但這資助計劃名額只有3000家企業,想知道如何申請及可申請什麼項目嗎?🎯立即點擊我要搶先申請遙距營商資助30萬

D-Biz Programme - HK$300,000 Funding Hong Kong for SMEs

Hong Kong D-Biz Programme offers 100% funding up to a maximum of HK$300,000 per Company. Don't wait, apply now and join our next D-Biz Funding consultation on how to apply, eligibility and find suitable IT solutions provider to grow your Business. Get more assistance on Online store software, Selling Cross Border via and Digital marketing services such as KOL marketing, short video marketing, SEO for FREE rankings in Google, Yahoo!

Contact us at and state I want to apply Funding for HK business (don't wait as there are only 3,000 applications that will be eligible)